Dennis Quaid and his dog. I wanted to start this review about the controversy surrounding a tape that was leaked from the footage by Universal Pictures that TMZ provided. Before the controversy, I have to admit that I had somewhat of mixed expectations because with dog movies, I am hot-and-cold on those genres because almost every single movie ends with the same sort of ending. However, regarding the controversy, animals right activists were baffled by the dog's treatment of having them being forced to act in a scene surrounding water. I was stunned but not surprised because I knew that obviously when handling a domesticated animal or animal of the sort that they cannot be harmed, otherwise, legal counsel and PETA will go after them. I knew they were being handled by stunt coordinators but I did not like how they execute the idea of treating the dog on set. After watching this movie, it did not make much of a different in "entertainment". This so-called "family f...