Mission: Impossible - Fallout is the sixth installment of this franchise and it is in the midst of the most consistent action/spy franchise to date as the James Bond series has been a bit inconsistent as of late with Casino Royale and Skyfall being great whereas Spectre was a bit of a letdown yet decent enough and Quantum of Solace was forgettable. This Mission Impossible franchise seems to keep on going with its momentum of creating better movies ever since Mission: Impossible III , where the franchise seemed to be dying off a bit but it had a memorable villain with the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman but it was Ghost Protocol, the fourth movie, where each movie started to become an event because of how good director Brad Bird made that movie. Then, Rogue Nation was very good but a bit lesser of an effort than its predecessor. With Fallout , this movie raises the bar on not solely the franchise but in action genres. This is technically, without question, th...