American Idol...Animal Edition. |
A koala bear named Buster Moon (voiced by Matthew McConaughey) is the owner of a theater he had seen a special play when he was young. However, business in the theater has not being doing that well and they are in financial trouble. The stage crew workers find out that their checks have bounced as Buster rushes to the bank to clear this up. We meet some of the other characters, Johnny (voiced by Taron Egerton), a big gorilla in a gang who secretly likes to sing, Rosita (voiced by Reese Witherspoon), an overworked pig and mother who raises 25 piglets and her husband, Norman (voiced by Nick Offerman), does not notice how hard she works or she struggles and her secret love of singing, Ash (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), a punk rock porcupine who is not allowed the spotlight, Meena (voiced by Tori Kelly), an elephant who sings to loved ones but is shy to other strangers and Mike (voiced by Seth MacFarlane), a mouse who is a greedy and selfish sax player.
Buster meets up with his sheep friend, Eddie (voiced by John C. Reilly), to discuss the financial situation regarding the theater, in which he and his family had invested in. Eddie is not pleased with the results, however, Buster has an idea to host a singing competition in the theater. Buster creates flyers for the singing competition for a $1,000 reward but an accident occurs as it becomes $100,000, allowing most of the town including the characters that we met standing in a long line outside the theater. After some auditions, Buster finds out that the reward is $100,000, even though he panics, he remains calm while trying to maintain the illusion that there is $100,000 in the chest.
The movie is predictable as to how the outcome regarding the theater and some of the characters' arcs are going to unfold but this is an enjoyable, lively and somewhat humorous however, at times, I felt like there were a few characters that may be were not as interesting but a bit unnecessary. Yeah, overall, there were a few too many animal characters that were sort of one-note or undeveloped unlike Zootopia but better than The Secret Life of Pets. Sometimes, the singing gets carried away as to how and why the characters are infused with the passion of singing. Sometimes, it's the talent or for no other reason.
But, I was grinning for most of the movie as some of the characters are chasing their dreams and I could not help it and I kind of liked it. I saw some things coming a mile away but I enjoyed most of the characters' charisma and you sympathize with most of them even when they are down or shy. You root for most of the characters, including Buster and also the elephant. The movie is a lively animated movie that some of the songs will get stuck in your head once the movie is over but even though it will be not as memorable, you'll say you had a good time with this product of animated entertainment.
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