Summertime is about here as we are in the days of the blazing heatwave and the glaring sunlight that will darken our skin for a period of time. Yes, we are outside at the park, at a bar, at a pool or at a beach to relax and to have fun with our family and friends because it is the summer. It is a succinct explanation but a reasonable one. However, there are times where we do not want to go out because outside will get hot, very hot. The heat will exhaust us. So, if you want to spend the day inside to avoid the heat, there are movie selections in which you watch or stream to feel like it is a summer movie, a comedy, a coming-of-drama, an action film or a drama just by itself. These movies (great, good or fun movies) integrates the story well with the summer condition, livid hot or just to get in that lively spirit of having such cheesy fun. So, here are the summer movies well worth checking out if you are in the mood to avoid the heat. National Lampoon's Vacation Caddys...