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My 100 Favorite Movies of All-Time

Well, here it is. A newly revised favorite 100 movies of my opinion. Everybody is entitled to their opinion as to what their favorite movies are, classic or not, good or bad. I decided to make a re-vamped list to solidify my honest placement with these movies in regards to re-watchability and also analysis as to how I process what the movie is all about or just for a good old laugh. There are some movies on this list that have a deep place in my heart as to why I connect to some of them.

Do I love The Sandlot? Yes. Is it on here? No. But, I can watch it almost every summer or every time I get sick I feel great. Do I love Home Alone? Yes, but I watch it every Christmas or sometimes in the middle of summer to get laughs. You get my point.

Anyway, to be honest, I had an easier time coming up with my top 70 than when I got to the bottom because of the movies I had to get rid of to include some newer releases on the list. This is not a permanent list as changes can be done over time. For example, I want to look at great movies such as  Lawrence of Arabia, Magnolia, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 12 Years a Slave, Zero Dark Thirty, Annie Hall, Aladdin, JFK, Predator, A Christmas Story, When Harry Met Sally, etc. again to know where I stand on them over time. So, here they are, starting with 25 honorable mentions.

Dazed and Confused
Before Sunrise
Seven Samurai
Almost Famous
Broadcast News

(Honorable Mentions: #101-125)
101. Boogie Nights
102. Speed 
103. Das Boot
104. Her
105. Get Out
106. Logan
107. Wall-E
108. Finding Nemo
109. Interstellar
110. Children of Men
111. The Searchers
112. Yojimbo
113. Network
114. La Vita E Bella (Life is Beautiful)
115. Memento
116. Django Unchained
117. The Grand Budapest Hotel
118. The Shining
119. Munich
120. The Fly (1986)
(tie) 121. Trading Places/Coming to America
122. When Harry Met Sally...
123. The Incredibles
124. Sicario
125. Notorious (1946)


1. The Godfather
2. It's A Wonderful Life
3. GoodFellas
4. Back To The Future
5. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
6. Jaws
7. Rear Window
8. Pulp Fiction
9. Raiders of the Lost Ark
10. Alien
11. Heat
12. Cinema Paradiso
13. Planes, Trains and Automobiles
14. The Godfather Part II
15. Dr. Strangelove
16. Saving Private Ryan
(tie) 17. Star Wars: A New Hope/The Empire Strikes Back
18. Taxi Driver
19. Raging Bull
20. The Dark Knight
21. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
22. The Sound of Music
23. Schindler's List
24. Aliens
25. Die Hard
26. Forrest Gump
27. The Great Escape
28. Apocalypse Now
29. The Shawshank Redemption
30. Dog Day Afternoon
31. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
32. Collateral
33. Se7en
34. Fargo
35. Rocky
36. The Princess Bride
37. 2001: A Space Odyssey
38. Groundhog Day
39. The Lion King
40. Unforgiven
41. Inglourious Basterds
42. Inception
43. L.A. Confidential
44. Once Upon A Time in the West
45. The Right Stuff
46. The Breakfast Club
47. The Usual Suspects
48. Mad Max: Fury Road
49. The 400 Blows
50. Amadeus
51. Beauty and the Beast
52. Braveheart
53. Singin' in the Rain
54. Vertigo
55. Blade Runner: The Final Cut
56. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
57. Psycho (Hitchcock)
58. Ratatouille
59. Toy Story
60. A Clockwork Orange
61. Titanic
62. 12 Angry Men
63. The Silence of the Lambs
64. Ciadad de Deus (City of God)
65. Ben-Hur (1959)
66. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
67. Citizen Kane
68. Seven Samurai
69. Roman Holiday
70. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
71. The Social Network
72. The Departed
73. Casablanca
74. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
75. The Apartment
76. There Will Be Blood
77. No Country for Old Men
78. Arrival
79. The Wolf of Wall Street
80. The Exorcist
81. Fight Club
82. All the President's Men
83. Good Will Hunting
84. Blade Runner 2049
85. Some Like It Hot
86. Broadcast News
87. The Thing (1982)
88. Bambi
89. Once Upon A Time in America
90. Dazed and Confused
91. Chinatown
92. Before Sunrise
93. Rushmore
94. This is Spinal Tap
95. Do the Right Thing
96. Ex Machina
97. Almost Famous
98. The Matrix
99. Fanny and Alexander
100. The Insider


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