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Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), PG-13, ★★1/2

Another spin-off so soon....ok. I do not know that this strategy to release it in the summer was as clever as people would have thought, which is a small number of people. Did the executives at Lucasfilm or Disney wanted to start the new summer slate for Star Wars? To me, I thought they were doing well just releasing the movies annually on Christmas. But, my prime question is this: Do we have too much Star Wars? In addition to that, is it as special anymore? I'd say yes to the first question but we're getting close to no on the second question. A Star Wars movie was a special event where a studio in the past releases every three years. People would ask themselves: "What happens? What will be next?"

However, I believe that Kathleen Kennedy wants throw in almost every spin-off and movie to please to the crowd in a limited space. It's too much, I think. With Rogue One, being the first spin-off, it was exciting because we do not know who brought the Death Star plans but we know they paid the price. It was a military operation in a sci-fi opera that had lackluster characters but a pay-off that made a lot of sense. With Solo, I did not think it was necessary to release this but it could be fun. The bottom line is that I had a fun time watching Han's and Chewbacca's adventure, however, the plot was rather underwhelming that I could actually pinpoint the same plot in any other heist movie. Actually, it felt like I've seen this formulaic structure from other movies before and that was disappointing.

Young Han (Alden Ehrenreich) attempts to get his hands on coaxium from the planet Corellia with the help of his girlfriend, Qi'ra (Emilia Clarke) as they attempt to escape. After running away and evading the white worms, Qi'ra is captured by the worms and Han promises to get her out. Now, on his own, Han decides to enlist for the Empire. Three years later, Han fights as an Imperial infantryman after getting kicked out for insubordination. Most of his fighters get killed, however, Han manages to find three thieves posing as fighters - Tobias Beckett (Woody Harrelson), his girlfriend, Val (Thandie Newton) and the alien Rio Durant (Jon Favreau).

He tries to join them to rescue Q'ira from Corellia but he is refused by Beckett. After meeting Chewbacca for the first time in a pit, they manage to get on board with Beckett and his crew. After a failed heist, Beckett reveals that they were supposed to deliver the coaxium to a criminal named Dryden Vos (Paul Bettany), leader of the Crimson Dawn syndicate. Han offers himself and Chewie to help Beckett find coaxium and persuades Beckett to let them come along.

Like I said, the plot seems too familiar and too good to be in a Star Wars movie. I had low expectations and it meets borderline disappointment because I predicted about 90% of this movie. Come on, you knew that at least, Han, Chewie and Lando Calrissian were going to live. But, predicting the movie was not as fun as experiencing the fun while watching the movie. It's a light but unnecessary breeze with great action set-pieces (like the train chase scene and the Kessel run) that almost meets the levels of the original trilogy, but not near Rogue One territory. The movie does reveal some information regarding characters like Han meeting Chewbacca and how he got Han Solo and why he is the way he is.

There are two big weaknesses: one is the predictable plot but the other weakness is that there is not much breathing room for the new characters, or rather put it, underwhelming characters. Yes, it is Han's and Chewie's show and that is fine because I did not feel like Alden Ehrenreich was imitating Harrison Ford, he put in his own original swagger to the character. And, I still bought the chemistry between young Han and Chewbacca. Emilia Clarke as Q'ira was fine but I felt like someone had a last-minute idea and try to make her a more interesting character but it was a little too late for me. To me, I think Donald Glover gives the best performance as Lando Calrissian who seems to have more fun than the other actors. Woody Harrelson and Paul Bettany were rather interesting as the two characters who added some meat to the story, but a bit minimal. And, Thandie Newton appears briefly and is just gone. And, I have to be honest, the L-3 robot did not appeal to me as much as K-2SO did in Rogue One.

While watching this movie, I was wondering how previous directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller would have done because I heard it was not as satisfying in the first run because director Ron Howard took over to make it as promising as possible. It is decent and serviceable not spectacular. Cinematographer Bradford Young, who photographed Arrival and A Most Violent Year, applies his style and makes it too dark and shadowy that I could not see much, especially in the first third. I thought John Powell's score was great as it matches the fun and the little stakes they had. Even though it was quite grand from a technical level and some of the performances were interesting and charming, the uneven pacing, the predictable structure and the familiar storyline prevents this Star Wars movie from reaching the top-tier levels of the franchise. It is a decent rental to watch to have fun.



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