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Bad Moms (2016), R, ★★★ taking a break from motherhood.
Ok...I am not a parent...yet...but I am certainly am not a mom. But, mothers have to be treated with respect because they balance the work life, taking care of her children and also maybe cooking for herself, her children and her husband (Hey, he has to help out for sure). However, sometimes, overworked mothers let out the anger maybe in front of her children, husband, co-workers and maybe in front of the mirror. I had very low expectations going into this movie because there have been many Hangover-esque type of films and I was getting very tired of it. But, thanks to a great performance from one of the female performances and its aggressive nature, this is a big surprise of the summer and I quite enjoyed it.

Amy Mitchell (Mila Kunis) is an overworked mother of two children, Dylan (Emjay Anthony) and Jane (Oona Lawrence). She has a hard time balancing her part-time job at a coffee company, PTA meetings and a whole bunch of things. She barely has any time for herself and she does not get any gratitude off her work. The PTA meetings is run by "perfect mom" Gwendolyn James (Christina Applegate). Plus, her husband, Mike (David Walton) does not give Amy any satisfaction as he is masturbating to a woman who has been chatting with him for the past ten months and he gets kicked out of their house.

Amy begrudgingly attends a later PTA meeting when she puts her foot down and states the busy day she has had and she is tired of the nonsense and quits the PTA. Later, Amy goes to a bar and meets two other moms, housewife Kiki (Kristen Bell) and Carla (Kathryn Hahn), a mother who craves for sex for most of the time. The three of them discuss their hardships of motherhood and they decide to play against type and become "bad moms" (my personal joke would be GoodMamas parodying GoodFellas, someone make a meme of that.). They can do whatever the hell they want.

Yeah, we can be funny.
Ok. I laughed. This is actually more fun than the Ghostbusters remake. I laughed at basically hardworking moms doing jello shots, getting horny and saying some lines that were hilarious, especially a scene from the supermarket. But, the way that they executed the premise is smart because the writers allow them to become fierce, liberated and naturally sloppy. It never becomes too restrained. This is the comedy I felt more that women can be funny, given the premise and how much improvisation and raw talent they can present on-screen, than Ghostbusters. The reboot felt more overblown and hyper on nostalgia.

Mila Kunis actually gives one of her best performances as an overworked mom that cannot seem to catch a break from her maternal lifestyle and also, her overworked lifestyle. She is just fed up. There's a nice little reunion between her and Kristen Bell from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Bell sort of plays the straight role in which not many laughs come from her. The MVP, however, is Kathryn Hahn. She delivers hilarious lines like no other on-screen. But, most of their lines put some insight as to how hard motherhood can be. Christina Applegate plays basically the antagonist of the film as which it is a predictable rivalry between Kunis and Applegate for the new head of the PTA. I felt like also that all of the male characters, in exception to one, are mean-spirited. I would have like a little more balance for at least some male characters to be presented as a normal person rather than a jerk.

I will admit that the film goes gushy towards the end and kind of breaks the aggressiveness a bit and the ending was not as satisfying as I want it be. And, there are also slow-mo shots of the trio partying and spraying champagne all over each other. But, directors and writers Jon Lucas and Scott Moore spin some insight and farce onto the situation and turns into a hard comedy and allows the cast to put forth their experience of how hard it is to be a mom. Other than that, this is a good comedy from the writers of The Hangover that creates a new spin of a supposedly sitcom premise and changes into a very fun time at the movies.



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